Cheap Accommodation in Denpasar Bali

  Accommodation and Cheap Hotels in Denpasar. Accommodation is one thing that is very important when we're on vacation. Choosing a place to sleep at tourist sites is not easy. For those who have more funding, priority is comfort and facilities.As for the majority of backpackers who have limited funds, priority is no longer a matter of convenience, but the price to be number one, even though a sense of comfort is a must. Well, this time I will share my experience choosing a place to stay in Bali.

  As we know Bali have are pretty much attraction, but the distance between one location to another relatively close, the farthest reached in 2.5 hours from downtown Denpasar. Indeed, many of the backpackers are choosing lodging in the area because it is close to Poppies Lane Kuta Beach. But to me better looking hotels in the city of Denpasar.

  Because Denpasar was in the midst the tourist attractions around the island of Bali, and if we stay around Kuta Beach, we have to be patient with the traffic that is always jammed, so if we will go to other tourist attractions there, it will take a longer time .
  When I was on holiday in Bali, I stayed at 2 hotels jasmine with a fairly cheap price its jl Diponegoro, Denpasar. Here's the name of 2 hotels I have ever Visit Your.

1.  Hotel Viking

  Address: Jalan Diponegoro Denpasar, Bali (forgot the number)
Cheapest fare: Rp 100,000 (weekdays), Rp 120,000 (high season)
Facilities: Bathroom inside, 2 beds, fan, hot tea every morning
For rooms could be occupied up to 4 people.

2. Hotel Grand Chandra

Address: Jalan Diponegoro 122, Denpasar Bali
Phone: 0361-262022
Cheapest fare: Rp 100,000 (weekdays, Rp 130,000 (high season)
Facilities: TV, fan, 1 bed, free breakfast
Maximum of 2 people per room

The price above is the price in September 2012 ago, maybe this year has increased but it are usually only 15% per year. So if you opt for cheap lodging in Denpasar, the two hotels above could be your reference to choose.

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