Enjoying the beach Wediombo Gunung_Kidul Jogjakarta

  Located approximately 30 km to the south of the city Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Wediombo beach located in the village Jepitu, District Girisubo, District of Gunungkidul. Originally Wediombo of Javanese word meaning wedi: sand dab ombo: broad, and when united a broad sand beach. That is true, white sand that make up the bay and stretches from the south end to the north and facing the west is very wide.

the locals say that the name of the beach is given by the ancestors are not in accordance with the situation. There are expressing this beach more appropriate given the name of the Gulf Ombo, because the state of the beach is such a wide gulf. There are rocks that flank, overhanging the sea water to the land, but has a wider than usual bay
  On the beach Wediombo we are spoiled beautiful sights. There we will be pampered with a beautiful arrangement of rocks, hiding places fish Wediombo seaside dwellers. We can also fish in the coral reef of the tours offered this Wediombo. When this type of tour that started this habit locals now starting favored by tourists from the city of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. According to the locals to get the big fish is the main aim of the angler fish.
  In the afternoon we will have the eyes of a natural event where the sun back into the dusk. From the shore Wediombo who happens faced west, so we will be free to see the beautiful creations of Allah.You will not be disappointed when visiting the beach Wediombo this because on the seaside was complete facilities such as ample parking space, toilet and for food .. here have built stalls that sell a variety of foods, ranging from the typical rural Jepitu, Indonesia and other typical foods

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