Traditional Musical Instruments of West Java

1. Angklung

 Angklung is a traditional musical instrument
Which comes dar Indonesia Sunda Land of,
made of bamboo, which tolled
shaken by (the sound
caused by a clash of bodies pipe
bamboo) so as to produce sound
vibrates in the composition tones 2, 3, to
4 tones in every size, both large
and small.

2. Gendang

  Gendang is a musical instrument
made from animal skins such
buffalo, goats or cattle. This object is
a musical instrument in the family
Siter and celempung
Siter and celempung is a musical instrument in
touch in the Javanese gamelan. there is
do also with harp in
Sundanese gamelan.

3. Calung

  Calung is a Sundanese musical instrument
is the prototype of the angklung.
Unlike the angklung is played
shaken way, way beating
calung is mepukul rod
(Blades) of sections (tube
bamboo) is arranged according to the point
Pentatonic scales (da-mi-na-ti-la).
Types of bamboo for making calung
wulung mostly of bamboo (bamboo
black), but some are made ​​of
temen bamboo (bamboo is white).

  This instrument is only a small part, there are still many who have not I share here, to get to know other musical instruments please visit Indonesia in particular the province of West Java.

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