Moramo Waterfall Unique and beautiful

 Moramo Waterfall. If there is a question what is the most beautiful waterfalls in Indonesia?. Perhaps the answer you are all different from one another, and of course, certainly boasts waterfalls that exist in your area respectively. Before answering the waterfall look on this one, his name Moramo Waterfall.

Moramo Waterfall located in the village Sumberasih, District Moramo, Konsel, Southeast Sulawesi. The shape of this waterfall is different and unique than the falls tend in general. This waterfall has a terraced form up to 100 meters height. Moramo waterfall has seven levels of large and small levels of tens of very beautiful eyes.

  View of the large a marble stones and trees that grow around beautiful waterfalls add to the ambience and beauty of this waterfall Moramo. Here we can play water on the steps waterfall without fear of slipping because the rocks were not slippery while accompanied by beautiful butterflies and several species of birds that live in the waterfall is in the forest preserves this TanjungPeropa.

Actually Moramo Waterfall is found alias accidental coincidence. Is an original transmigrant Java who found this waterfall while clearing forest in the hunt to catch a mountain anoa. The incident occurred around the year 1980-1982.For those of you who have a hobby of photography, this waterfall is the perfect shooting objects. Greenish reflections from irregular water flow down seven levels and flows in to the tens of the levels of large and small along the flow, it creates a composition that is always interesting and beautiful from any angle.

  To reach the location waterfall is quite easy. By using a personal car or a rental, from Kendari, capital of Southeast Sulawesi to the Village Sumberasih takes 2.5 hours with the distance as far as 65 kilometers. Arriving at the entrance of the Cape Peropa sanctuary, visitors have to walk as far as 2 miles for 30 minutes. Along the way visitors will pass through a ladder and wooden bridges were quite old.

If you go outside the city of Kendari, or from outside Indonesia, hop a plane to airport Haluoleo in Kendari after that rent a car to get to the waterfall at a cost of Rp 350,000 - Rp 450,000, depending on your cleverness negotiating.

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